The Super Friends Party Before the Battle in Supergirl Episode 6.18 Pics

The latest Supergirl photos suggest the world still needs some space for everyday life, even with an ongoing war. The Super Friends have so much to celebrate now that Alex and Kelly have finally sealed their engagement, and Kara and the rest of the team won’t miss the chance to drink a couple of shots for the occasion. At the same time, the safety of National City is very much in danger now that Nyxly and Lex Luthor have teamed up. But the new power couple doesn’t know that Supergirl has an ace up her sleeve: the little Esme.

You can check the Supergirl episode 6.18 photos in the gallery below.

RELATED: Melissa Benoist Isn’t “Opposed” To Returning As Supergirl In the Future

David McWhirter directed the episode with a story by Karen E. Maser and a teleplay by Emilio Ortega Aldrich together with Elle Lipson. The official synopsis for “Truth or Consequences” reads:

“THREE EPISODES LEFT UNTIL THE SERIES FINALE – Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) is determined to keep everyone safe from Lex (guest star Jon Cryer) and Nyxly (Peta Sergeant) so she doubles down on patrol, especially as Alex (Chyler Leigh) and Kelly’s (Azie Tesfai) bachelorette party is coming up. Alex is torn between duty and finally allowing herself the time to enjoy her new family. Brainy (Jesse Rath) receives heartbreaking news, and William (Staz Nair) clashes with Andrea (Julie Gonzalo) over her recent coverage of Lex.”

Supergirl episode 6.18 will hit The CW on November 2.

What do you expect from the next episode of the show? Let us know in the comments section below.

Recommended Reading: Supergirl Vol. 1: Reign of the Cyborg Supermen (Rebirth)

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