It was revealed a few weeks ago that Marvel’s next entry in “Phase Two,” Thor: The Dark World, was going back for a few reshoots as confirmed by stars Kat Dennings and Jaimie Alexander. Now, speaking with Collider, director Alan Taylor says that some of the new scenes being filmed are to put more of Tom Hiddleston’s Loki into the film, as well as more of Anthony Hopkins as Odin.
“We’re doing full scenes, scenes that were not in the movie before. We’re adding scenes, creating scenes, writing scenes for the first time….We realized how well Loki was working in the movie, and we wanted to do more with him. So it was that kind of thing, it was like, ‘Oh, we could do this, we could jam this in here because he’s such a wonderful guy to watch do his stuff.'”
Fans might worry about these reshoots since the film is only a few months away from release, but Taylor says this is quite normal and shouldn’t alarm anyone.
“Kevin Feige’s always trying to make the film better, see if he can push it up. I saw them do this on Iron Man 3, I saw them do it on Avengers; they have to kind of pry it out of Marvel’s hands and put it up on screens because he never wants to stop improving things, so that’s the phase we’re in right now.”