It used to be a tradition that when a new superhero movie would be hitting theaters, a brand new game based on the film would be hitting video game consoles. That has since transitioned to mobile games hitting the app store, though some, namely The Amazing Spider-Man series, have kept the tradition alive. So after making the juggernaut The Avengers in 2012, why hasn’t Marvel brought the property to video games in a similar fashion? Well they haven’t found a match that works just yet.
“The Avengers game will come when we have the right partner, that has the right vision, that has the time to develop a strong, competitive triple-A title and wants to do it right,” TQ Jefferson, Marvel’s head of games, told IGN. “It has to hit our three pillars: Fun and engaging gameplay, true to the characters, compelling story. Without hitting those notes, we shouldn’t do it. Gamers, they know better. They’re not going to flock to something that’s sub-par…I think the fact that there wasn’t an Avengers game turned out in time for the film is indicative of Marvel’s new attitude and the approach to how we find partners and build games. I think in the heyday of the movie licensed game, these games were popping out all the time and most of them sucked.”
Jefferson noted that the release of the Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor video games played a role in their renewed interest in game licenses, admitting: “We got a bloody nose on both of those….We would rather not have a game than to just sign something to have something out on time.”
Even though a direct game based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to be far away, there was a title set to be based on the film that was eventually canceled. Until we see them again on our consoles, players will be able to bring Earth’s mightiest heroes to life with the recently-announced Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes or in last year’s release LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. What video game developer do you want to see take on The Avengers?