
New Motion Comic Trailer Goes Inside Brightburn’s Mind

Brightburn, the new horror movie from executive producer James Gunn, debuts in theaters with preview showings tonight. Via Entertainment Weekly, Sony Pictures has released a new motion comic trailer to give fans an idea of what to expect. Based on its dark tone, things are anything but super, man.

The trailer starts out with young Brandon sketching in his notebook. From there, it becomes completely animated, while recapping its story in a quick but effective way.

Produced with gloomy (yet beautiful) animation, the Brightburn trailer also has narration by Elizabeth Banks, who portrays Brandon’s adoptive mother. She explains that he is a “gift” and “brought here for a reason” as the images change throughout. It harkens back to a classic comic book style, although its sinister imagery suggests Brandon’s not on the road to greatness.

Related: Brightburn Shows Off Its Dark Side In Final Trailer

Viewers should proceed with caution. As the trailer goes on, it does go into spoiler territory. This includes hints of what’s going to happen to certain characters within the film. Granted, fans already knew about the tormented waitress from the previous Red Band Brightburn trailer. But this one goes a bit further. We recommend viewing it after seeing the film, as it provides hints at its gruesome events.

One highlight of the trailer is Brandon’s crude “hero” mask, something Gunn took great care in designing. He spoke with Entertainment Weekly about its creation last month. 

“I just gave so many notes on that mask, trying to create a really truly iconic horror movie character in the same way that Freddy Krueger is, or in the same way that Leatherface is, or in the same way that Jason is,” he explained. “Trying to create something with that same sort of feel that is instantly scary (and) plays with the superhero-ness of it all but at the same time is most definitely rooted in horror.”

Fans can check out Brandon’s story as Brightburn opens in theaters tonight. Are you eager to see the new horror film? Let us know in the comment section below! 

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