Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis Address Their Return in Star Trek: Picard

The Star Trek Universe panel at Comic-Con was full of surprises, including the word that a handful of Star Trek: The Next Generation stars will reunite with Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: Picard. Jonathan Frakes had already been confirmed to return as a director on Picard. However, his reunion with his onscreen wife was a well-kept secret. Now that the word is out, Frakes and his former co-star, Marina Sirtis, are addressing their return.

On twitter, Frakes left the following message:

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And on her twitter account, Sirtis was equally excited to share the news.

Since Brent Spiner is also returning for the series, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, and Wil Wheaton are the only TNG regulars who haven’t been confirmed or lined up to make a comeback.

Frakes and Sirtis’ Riker and Troi were last seen leaving the Enterprise as husband and wife as Riker assumed command of the USS Titan. That was in Star Trek: Nemesis back in 2003. Presumably the couple is still together two decades later in Star Trek: Picard. However, we may not get that answered definitively until Picard debuts in 2020.

Are you excited to have Frakes and Sirtis back for Star Trek: Picard? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Star Trek: Titan: Fortune of War

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