Jeffrey Wright Shares His Favorite Episodes of Marvel’s What If…?

Next month, Disney+ will launch Marvel Studios’ first animated series, What If…?. Jeffrey Wright is headlining the series as Uatu a.k.a. The Watcher, an enigmatic alien being who can peer into alternate realities and beyond. Several veterans of Marvel’s films will also be lending their voices to the series, including the late Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa. During a new interview with EW, Wright mentioned that Boseman’s episode was among his favorites. Regardless, even Wright was surprised by his top pick.

“I was really taken by the Doctor Strange episode, which you will see when you get there,” said Wright. “For some reason, it just really pulled at my emotions. [Laughs] And as well, it becomes a story of interest to The Watcher too, so in that way, we kind of see things from a similar perspective. So yeah, check out the Doctor Strange one when it comes. When you land on that one, you’ll land in a place where I sat up even further in my seat.”

“But also, I was really moved to hear Chadwick Boseman voice T’Challa again as he does in the show,” continued Wright. “I actually first met him when Black Panther was being introduced at Comic-Con. We saw each other from time to time after that and just to watch him grow as an actor and watch him take on this character, to see what that character meant, and to understand that he was doing that while facing serious challenges, I just find to be on the level of heroism that Black Panther himself is on. So to be a part of just a little bit of what some of his last work is is really special. And I can’t wait for folks to just hear him.”

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Additionally, Wright explained how he came up with Uatu’s voice on the series.

“A lot of times, we hear a character like this that’s very powerful and wise and dramatic, if you look at some of the old films of Greek mythology and even Egyptian mythology and things like this or history, we find that the characters have a British accent,” noted Wright. “And I have never really figured out why that is. Why does every wise man in the history of cinema or wise woman or sage need to be British? So the first time we encounter The Watcher in the comics on the moon, I figured it was wide open where we could go with the voice and how can we craft together an idea and music to his voice that’s resonant today. So I just went for it and put it down.”

What If…? will premiere on Disney+ on Wednesday, August 11. New episodes will follow every Wednesday thereafter until the end of the season.

What do you think about Jeffrey Wright’s episode selections? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: What If? Classic: The Complete Collection Vol. 1

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