Ghost Rider Raises Hell in Third Animated Midnight Suns Short

In Marvel’s comic book universe, Ghost Rider was one of the original Midnight Sons. At the time, Danny Ketch was Ghost Rider, and his half-brother, Johnny Blaze, was an ex-Ghost Rider. Regardless, both of them share this piece of Marvel history. However, the current Ghost Rider, Robbie Reyes, will be the one featured in Marvel’s Midnight Suns. But if the following animated prequel short is any indication, Robbie is going to earn his place in the group.

Additionally, the short plays more like a brief Ghost Rider animated pilot than anything else. It only has a slight connection to Caretaker’s recruitment of heroes for the upcoming battle against Lilith.

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The only other thing that connects this short with the previous installment is that Magik arrives with Caretaker. This implies that Magik fully signed on to the cause some time between the second and third prequel videos. But with Ghost Rider and Magik in the fold, the question now is who will get the spotlight in the next animated short?

Marvel’s Midnight Suns will hit PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox One X|S on December 2.

What do you think about the new animated prequel? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Spirits of Vengeance: Rise of the Midnight Sons

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