Major Arnold Toht, the evil Nazi villain from Raiders of the Lost Ark, has seen a few action figures over the years based on his enmity towards one Indiana Jones. Most have included a swap-out head to recreate his death scene when he gazes upon the opened Ark of the Covenant and holy spirits melt his face, but only Mezco would give you three stages of face-melting. And melty hands. And a light-up Ark complete with translucent ghost. If you’re going to sell a figure affiliated with arguably the most evil regime in history, making it one suffering a gruesome punishment for it seems like the way to go.
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The giggling Toht was played by actor Ronald Lacey, who wasn’t even German, but British. He also played poet Dylan Thomas for BBC 2 and appeared on the popular UK comedy shows Porridge and Blackadder II. Still, he was best known for his villain roles in movies like Raiders, Red Sonja, and Firefox. Only in recent years have toys truly captured his likeness.
In addition to four heads, the Ark, and a ghost, Toht includes nine hands, four pairs of glasses, removable fedora, hot poker, Staff of Ra headpiece, pistol, and display base, along with a fully tailored suit. Pre-orders run for $112, with a non-refundable deposit of $28, and shipping expected next summer. The six-inch figure should be approximately to scale with Hasbro’s Indiana Jones figures, but obviously way more detailed. At that price, one would hope so.
And if Hasbro’s line does die as rumored, maybe there’s at least hope that Mezco will give us Mola Ram next. Check out more Toht in the images below.