The 10 Comics We DON’T Want to See From Marvel NOW!

Now, the Punisher doesn’t stick around on one series for too long these days which is a bad thing for us fans. Jason Aaron’s MAX run was the most recent to end and it stopped at #22, Rucka’s book is currently at issue #13. Most of the series throughout the character’s history have run between only six issues through on average about 25 or 30, with some of the longer runs going from 75 to 100. I’d love to see Rucka write Frank Castel for 100 issues but it just doesn’t seem likely, and that’s got nothing to do with the relaunch really.
Likelihood of happening: I’d say it’s a sure thing but we might also get to keep the current series. We already know that “Punisher: War Zone’ will be returning in October, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that the regular series will be canceled and if anything it means the current creative team will at least jump to the other book.