9 Things You May Not Know About The Dark Knight Series

In preparation for his task of scoring The Dark Knight, Zimmer did a lot of experimenting and planning with the music to get everything just right, but the most work went into creating a musical score that would be fitting for Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker. For this, Zimmer experimented with different musical …er… techniques using razors, piano wire, pencils on tables and the floor, etc. All of this weirdness combined, he created over nine thousand sample tracks of music for the film for Chris Nolan to listen and pick through. The best part? He listened to all nine thousand tracks and picked the ones that you now know as the Joker’s music.
Got any more facts about The Dark Knight film series that we might have missed? Let us know below in the comments.
Opening in theaters and IMAX on July 20, the final chapter in Christopher Nolan’s trilogy stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Oldman, Marion Cotillard, Gordon-Levitt and Morgan Freeman.
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