9 Heroes That Should Have Their Own TV Series

Green Lantern is often simplified into the two word pitch of “space cop.” With as many police shows that there are on television, why can’t we have one that is in space? Your cast of ‘cops’ would no doubt be Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Tomar-Re, and Kilowog with the Guardians functioning as the bosses. Another thing that could really work in this show’s favor is Geoff Johns, the mastermind of all things Green Lantern, who has also worked on the CW’s Arrow. He’s in a unique position to help shepherd the project beyond the page. I’ve made peace with the fact that Warner Bros. probably won’t get their act together and have their films all in one universe, thus making a ‘Blackest Night’ movie impossible, but I can hold out hope for a live-action representation of all the Corps one day.
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