11 Characters Marvel Studios Should Consider for a Female-Led Movie


A former police officer, Misty Knight was injured in the line of duty resulting in the loss of her right arm. Instead of working a desk job though, Knight left the force and was also gifted a robotic arm courtesy of one Tony Stark. Knight started her own private detective agency with Colleen Wing known as the Daughters of the Dragon where they teamed up with Luke Cage and Iron Fist’s Heroes for Hire a number of times.

Misty is a very capable fighter in the Marvel U. She’s an expert marksman in addition to being a master martial artist, plus her cybernetic arm is nearly indestructible and features a number of upgrades, including energy blasts, freezing abilities, and an energy shield.

The detective side of super heroism is something that is only briefly explored in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, namely that one scene in Iron Man 3 when he recreates a crime scene, and it makes sense for this kind of story to be told through the lens of their characters. Not only does Misty Knight give them the chance to do straight detective stories, but her connections to Luke Cage and Iron Fist makes her the perfect character to branch off of the upcoming Netflix series.

Her new comic series might only be on issue 6, but we think she’s ripe for a feature adaptation. See who on the next page!