FF, Blade 3 & Elektra Filming Updates

‘Mark’ from Hollywood North Report just sent this update on when the three projects will be filming in Vancouver…

The Fantastic Four Vancouver production office is now officially open and filming dates of August 9th 2004 thru February 2nd 2005 have been set. The six month shoot is right up there alongside X-Men 2, Riddick and I, Robot as the longest feature film shoot in Vancouver history. The production company name is FF Productions Ltd., with offices at Vancouver Film Studios. Stewart Bethune (X2, Catwoman, Best in Show) is the Production Manager and Ross Fanger (X-Men 1 & 2) is also being listed as an Executive Producer.

Blade: Trinity (or is it Blade 3 again? as we’ve heard) will be back in town from June 17th thru June 21st for reshoots with David Goyer at the helm. We’ve heard that these reshoots are needed to allow for a third Blade sequel where as the originally shot footage left little room for a third sequel and was more geared toward a Nightstalkers spin-off…seems like Wesley Snipes doesn’t want to hang up the fangs just yet.

The wrap date for Elektra has been moved up to July 9th, filming started on May 3rd 2004.

Thanks for the heads up!

Source: Hollywood North Report

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