Batman Begins Sequel Talk, Casting Call & More

Though it is a bit early to put much into this, Moviehole chatted with actor Lachy Hulme who says his name is being tossed around for a young Joker in the Batman Begins sequel.

Lachy [“The Matrix Revolutions”] would love to play the role, but stresses that he hasn’t been made an offer yet. “I got the heads up from my LA manager that WB have been kicking my pitiful name around for the Joker role in the Begins sequel. It is a role that I would desperately love, but it’s way too early for internet rumours to be flying”, he says.

Meanwhile, the official UK website has opened, but it’s the same material as the US one. Also, ‘Frank sent in this report from the Chicago casting call, along with pictures…

As soon as we got there we were handed a form to fill out with the following questions;

Are you a great driver? Are you able to work for 3 nights in a row? If you are using your car can you work for 19 nights in a row? Age, height, shoe size, shirt size, special skills, hobbies. Nationality and occupation were also questions. Under special skills I just put whatever I thought would get me in to get my ass kicked by batman like martial arts and skilled at falling down stairs.

The shifts are 12 hours a day according to the casting crew I talked to. But they told me specifically because I was worried my work hours would interfere that they’ll call and ask if you can work on the days and if you can’t several in a row it probably won’t be that big a deal.

Included are some pictures…some may be blurry, but just so everyone can see as I was surprised there were no expensive detailed batman logos up or anything really indicating what the movie was about probably to keep comic book geeks like me who would get distracted by the set if we were actually to be hired. The pictures are of the application, the warehouse, the line we stood in, some crew and the exit sign leading us out. They mentioned a fee of what I heard as 55 dollars a day and overtime for over 8 hours.

Source: Superhero Hype!

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