Robert Downey Jr. Says Avengers: Endgame’s Final Minutes Are Its Best

Avengers: Endgame is one week away theaters and fans have been doing their best to avoid spoilers. Regardless, Robert Downey Jr. has teased that the final minutes of Endgame may be everything fans are hoping for.

“The last eight minutes of that movie are maybe the best eight minutes of the entire history of the whole run of them in a way because everyone’s involved,” said Downey while speaking with The Upcoming. “So I was delighted.”

During the interview, Downey also offered some perspective on Stark.

“He’s recognizing that he should have his eyes on the long game here, so I guess there’s a different set of principles that he is operating by then he has before and I think a lot of that has been the burgeoning effect of all of these other Avengers and seeing how much they’ve put on the line.”

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Finally, Downey shared his thoughts on why the Marvel movies have become so popular.

“It was all there in the universe to begin with, and that’s why I think the Marvel comics have been so numinous to kids and grownups and people,” noted Downey. “There’s this love for it because it speaks to the world but it also speaks to the democratic American projected dream, which is far more complicated than that. But there’s an ideal there that’s always been trying to express itself, and strangely, in some ways the best of it has been expressed in these little two-hour segments of entertainment.”

You can check out the full interview below. He also provides a lot of praise to directors Anthony and Joe Russo. “I love them. And they love…they love the Avengers.”

Avengers: Endgame arrives on April 26. What do you think about Downey’s interview? Let us know in the comments below!

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