Marvel Studios’ Sarah Halley Finn Looks Back At Casting the MCU

Earlier this month, Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman spoke about his first Marvel audition during his appearance on The Tonight Show. However, according to casting director Sarah Halley Finn, Boseman’s audition to play Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy was so impressive that “he was someone we all felt really strongly would be amazing as Black Panther.”

The Hollywood Reporter has posted a retrospective with Finn, the woman who has cast nearly every MCU movie since 2008’s Iron Man. As related by Finn, Boseman wasn’t the only future Black Panther cast member who tried out for Guardians. Lupita Nyong’o apparently read for Nebula before Karen Gillan was cast in the role. Regardless of that outcome, Nyong’o was Marvel’s top choice for Nakia.

“She was a straight offer,” said Finn. “She had been on our radar for a long, long time, and is an incredible, exceptional talent.”

RELATED: Chadwick Boseman Shares His Hopes For Black Panther 2

Additionally, Finn noted that Marvel had to reveal its plans for Okoye to get Danai Gurira on board for Black Panther.

“It was the process of letting her know what the creative elements were and what she could hopefully do with the part,” noted Finn. “She crushed it.”

Finn also touched upon several other key Marvel casting choices, including the core Avengers and Spider-Man. You can read the rest of Finn’s MCU casting retrospective here.

Can you picture Boseman as Drax the Destroyer? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Black Panther by Christopher Priest Vol 1

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