The Avengers Assemble in New Mexico

Despite rumors that it would shoot primarily in either New York or Los Angeles, Joss Whedon’s The Avengers has now been announced for production in New Mexico with shooting scheduled between April and September of 2011.

“In addition to being our biggest production to date, ‘The Avengers’ will be the most technologically advanced and will provide cutting-edge training opportunities for our crew,” said New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson in an official press release, “I’m announcing this as a Christmas present of sorts to the people of New Mexico. This is a perfect example of the incredible job creation, economic impact and global visibility this industry has brought our state over the past eight years, and of the need to keep it moving forward.”

The majority of production is planned to take place at Albuquerque Studios with additional scenes in New York, Michigan and other as-of-yet undisclosed locations.

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