“I feel the audience decides what is or is not a flagship title,” said Bendis “but I will say that UNCANNY X-MEN will be the one-stop shop for these very important characters in the mutant [corner of the] Marvel Universe and the Marvel Universe proper. I’m very lucky that I get to write ALL NEW X-MEN and UNCANNY X-MEN at the same time. I can examine this fascinating part of the Marvel Universe from vastly different angles. “
“I can’t think of a time where the mutant part of the Marvel Universe has been more exciting. Every character is so complex and there are so many characters interacting. Literally anything could happen.
“My goal is to do exactly what I did [with] AVENGERS and NEW AVENGERS. The books will connect thematically and sometimes even story-wise, but you don’t have to buy both books to enjoy them. Hopefully I will make you want to buy and read both books with our stories and our characters. But these books are both looking at mutants and Marvel from their unique point of view. Both of these books’ points of view are, in my opinion, very legitimate and very much a concern.”
And when asked about Scott and Emma’s romance, he said, “The romance is done. They are not together anymore romantically. It’s pretty hard to come back from what they went through in Avengers Vs. X-Men. Things were said, powers were stolen, and as we will discover in the very first issues of UNCANNY X-MEN, some things happen between them that cannot be taken back. And because they are Scott and Emma, this breakup is going to take a while. And it’s not going to be pretty, but fun to write.”
Will you be picking up the new series when it starts?