Bryan Singer Teases Peter Dinklage’s Role in X-Men: Days of Future Past

It was announced last week that he would be joining the cast and the speculation continues to change. Originally many thought Dinklage would play the dwarf member of Alpha Flight, Puck, but Singer has shot that down in an interview with IGN.

Then the internet hive mind thought that Dinklage was playing this “All CG” character that Singer has also been teasing throughout the film’s pre-production. Some theorized he would play M.O.D.O.K. (Primarily a Captain America villain) or The Watcher (usually a Fantastic Four villain) when it was revealed that he would be playing the film’s antagonist, but Singer has now put that to rest as well in the same interview.

“He’s not going to be a CGI character, he’ll be himself. Not that he’ll be playing Peter Dinklage, he’ll be playing this character. It’s not a shy character. He’s just such a phenomenal actor; I’m a huge fan of Peter’s and Game of Thrones. He was my first choice and I was really happy [about the casting]. It’s so funny to talk to him because he does that impeccable accent [on Game of Thrones] and then you talk to him and he’s this guy from New Jersey.”

This statement lends credence to the latest rumor that Dinklage will be playing the creator of the mutant hunting Sentinels, Boliver Trask. We may not know for a while which character Dinklage will bring to life on the big screen, so let the speculation continue. Who do you think he’s playing?

X-Men: Days of Future Past is set for release on July 18, 2014.

(Photo Credit: Joseph Marzullo/

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