Produced by “LOST” co-creator Carlton Cuse and written by Ryan Condal, the pilot starred Michiel Huisman and Laura Ramsey as the leads.
The Sixth Gun was created by Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt who reacted to the news on twitter:
The crummy news: NBC did not pick up THE SIXTH GUN as a series. The good news: @brihurtt and I still have an awesome comic to focus on.
— cullenbunn (@cullenbunn) May 9, 2013
@occultdetective @brihurtt I’m not sure. It may surface, but it may never be seen. If I had my way, everyone would see it!
— cullenbunn (@cullenbunn) May 9, 2013
Plus… how can I consider myself anything but lucky when folks like @carltoncuse and @wrathofcondal work on something based on my book.
— cullenbunn (@cullenbunn) May 9, 2013
At end of day @cullenbunn and I intend to stay focused on the one thing we do have control over. The comic. Thanks for all your support!
— Brian Hurtt (@brihurtt) May 9, 2013