Much like a few weeks ago when two characters from Batman: Arkham Origins were inadvertently revealed by the achievement list, another has been found out due to his name being included on the game’s soundtrack (via Game Rant) and it is none other than Killer Croc! Having appeared in both of the previous “Arkham” games, it makes sense that Croc would appear in the upcoming prequel.
Not to be completely outdone, Warner Bros. Games Montreal officially revealed another character that will appear in the game and it is Barbara Gordon! Since the game takes place a few years before the others, it stands to reason that she has yet to become Batgirl/Oracle. Perhaps we’ll see that transformation happen in the game? Take a look at her below along with some more new images from the game.
In addition, IGN has posted a nearly 20-minute video featuring new footage from the game and insight from creative director Eric Holmes which we’ve included below. The video shows off Batman taking a break in the Batcave, doing some martial arts training, and confronting cops after breaking into the GCPD. Check it out below!
Batman: Arkham Origins will be available for the Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on October 25, 2013.
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