Why Game of Thrones’ Jon Snow and Ghost Parting Happened That Way

Spoiler warning for Episode 8.04 of Game of Thrones!

In spite of its rocketing ratingsGame of Thrones eighth and final season is leaving a sour taste in fans’ mouths. In the latest episode of HBO’s drama television series Jon Snow left Winterfell after saying goodbye to his old friends to head towards King’s Landing. When the moment arrived for the rightful king of the Seven Kingdoms to part from his old companion Ghost, however, Snow almost disregarded it. Fans’ reactions on social networks were overwhelmingly unhappy. But now, “The Last of the Starks” director David Nutter has explained why Snow left without petting his faithful direwolf

“Since the direwolves are kind of CG creations, we felt it best to keep it as simple as possible,” Nutter said to the Huffington Post. “And I think that it played out much more powerfully that way. Keeping Ghost off to the side, I thought that played out better. Then he just walks off by himself, he turns to Ghost and has this moment with Ghost that I thought was very, very powerful.”

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Actor John Bradley also commented on Jon’s decision to let Ghost go north of The Wall.

“I think that Jon knows what he’s leaving behind,” Bradley said. “Jon Snow is a noble man, and he knows all about sacrifice … He knows what he has to keep safe, and he knows he has a responsibility to Ghost and a responsibility to Sam, Gilly and Baby Sam because he knows where they’ll be safe. He was very aware of the sacrifice of leaving those figures behind, and they know — hopefully, Ghost knows what he means to Jon — and Jon knows what Ghost means to him.”

Game of Thrones episode 8.05 airs Sunday, May 12. Do you agree with David Nutter’s vision about Jon Snow leaving Snow without petting him? Be sure to tell us in comments below.

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