James Tynion IV and Tony Daniel Tease Their Batman Plans

Fans of DC’s ongoing Batman series were blindsided when it was announced that Tom King would be leaving the title early. Fortunately, it sounds like Bruce Wayne is in capable hands with his new creative team. James Tynion IV and Tony Daniel will kick off their tenure on the book with Batman #86 in January. Ahead of that issue’s debut, the duo spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about their intentions for the Dark Knight.

In his recent run on Detective Comics, Tynion placed his focus on a new team of heroes. But since he’s handling the primary Batman series, he won’t be as generous with the spotlight.

“I don’t think you could put me back in Gotham City and not have me play with the Bat-family to some degree,” said Tynion. “But that is one of the challenges of this book. And one of the things that makes me so excited to write it. I have done so much with the Bat-family, and the entire supporting cast in Gotham City, but the character I have done the least work with, the character I haven’t done a core, emotional narrative with, is Batman. I haven’t told a solo Batman story.”

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“Readers out there don’t know what a ‘James Tynion solo Batman story’ is,” continued Tynion. “But I’ve been cooking them up this whole time. And honestly, getting to pull the trigger on all of these great big ideas is the thrill of being in the driving seat of the Batmobile.”

Meanwhile, Daniel has lent his artistry to both Batman and Detective Comics and even wrote some of his own stories. According to Daniel, his upcoming collaboration with Tynion will be accessible to all audiences.

“We’re both hoping to create a book that anyone can pick up and read, and then in ten years, come back and pick up again and be fulfilled and not have to read years of prior history to get it,” said Daniel. “That’s what we want to create, an evergreen story. It’s still going to be rooted in what’s been going on today, with the fallout of [current Batman storyline] ‘City of Bane’ and everything. I know that was important to James and I.”

Are you excited to see what Tynion and Daniel have planned for next year? Tell us what you think in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Batman: Detective Comics Vol.1: Rise of the Batmen

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