Heavy Infantry Mandalorian Figure Is Now a Best Buy Exclusive

“Buy have spoken!” Best Buy, that is. The retailer primarily known for appliances and electronics is rapidly becoming the home for Star Wars toys based on The Mandalorian. They already carry a vintage collection AT-ST Raider, and a six-inch scale IG-11 droid. (Self destruct feature not included, for buyers’ safety.) This week, following the debut of The Mandalorian episode 3, Hasbro revealed Best Buy’s latest “get” – a Heavy Infantry Mandalorian. This guy (do we know it’s a guy for sure?) appeared recently among many of his kind. Mainly to save the hero from becoming bounty fodder.

With a plus-sized physique and extra-large weapon, this is no basic Black Series figure. (Don’t you dare call him Boba Fat, though!) The Heavy Infantry Mandalorian, apparently named Paz Vizsla, comes in a bigger box than usual. And retails for $29.99, as extra sculpted plastic does.

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The obvious follow-up question: if Hasbro knew about this spoiler figure in advance, why not Baby Yoda? The likely answer: don’t get hopes up too soon. Images of Paz hit the web before the official announcement landed, and we’ve seen no baby Yoda prototypes yet. He will surely arrive in toy form, but this season? Doubtful. We’ll be happy to be proven wrong, though.

On the other hand, order Paz now and he arrives by Christmas. Not too shabby.

Will the Heavy Infantry Mandalorian be on your Christmas bounty list? Let us know in comments below!

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