David Ayer Says a Suicide Squad Director’s Cut Would Be Easy

Not long after Warner Bros. broke the internet last week by announcing their plans to release the Snyder Cut of Justice League, David Ayer addressed the possibility of whether his Suicide Squad film could meet a similar fate. Ayer has been vocal in the past about how studio meddling got in the way of his vision for the 2016 DC team-up vehicle. And the other day, the director shared what it would take for him to finish the film as he originally intended. Surprisingly, it doesn’t sound like he would have that much work to do.

After Collider’s Steven Weintraub suggested on Twitter that a director’s cut of Suicide Squad could make its way to HBO Max just like the Snyder Cut, Ayer responded to indicate his openness to this idea. He also used a rather colorful metaphor to describe his struggles during the film’s post-production phase. You can check out what he had to say below.

RELATED: David Ayer Comments on the Possibility of a Suicide Squad Director’s Cut

Ayer’s insistence that it would be “easy” to finish his version of Suicide Squad stands in stark contrast to WB’s plans for the Snyder Cut. Early reports claimed the studio was spending somewhere between $20-30 million on Zack Snyder’s revamped Justice League. However, Bob Greenblatt recently admitted that the cost could balloon beyond this estimate. But if Snyder’s film is successful, it could pave the way for Ayer’s return to the DC Universe.

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Recommended Reading: Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

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