Barbarella Vol 3 1 cover by Annie Wu
(Image Source: Dynamite Entertainment / Annie Wu)

Barbarella Reboot Comic Revealed Ahead of Sydney Sweeney Remake

Barbarella is best known for the 1968 film starring Jane Fonda. However, the character first appeared in a French comic by Jean-Claude Forest, which put an erotic spin on the classic space-faring superhero tropes. Now, Sydney Sweeney is poised to produce and star in a remake of the beloved film. What’s more, Dynamite Entertainment is bringing Barbarella back to comics.

“This project has been a couple of years in the making,” noted Dynamite Entertainment Marketing Coordinator Vincent Faust. “Initially, there was some back and forth on launching this with a special one-shot, then followed by a series. Or a crowdfunding angle to more directly reach diehard fans. But we went in a more traditional direction, as interest in the character is soaring again, as we head toward Sydney Sweeney starring in the film reboot.”

Dynamite has held the Barbarella license since 2017 and has published two monthly series of original comics. They also produced one mini-series, a holiday special, and a crossover book with Martian warrior princess Dejah Thoris. The upcoming monthly series will mark the third regular volume produced by Dynamite Entertainment.

Six full-color unlettered pages from Barbarella #1 may be viewed below:

Barbarella Vol 3 Issue 1 Page 2
Barbarella Vol 3 Issue 1 Page 10
Barbarella Vol 3 Issue 1 Page 15
Barbarella Vol 3 Issue 1 Page 18
Barbarella Vol 3 Issue 1 Page 21
Barbarella Vol 3 Issue 1 Page 26
(Image Source: Dynamite Entertainment / Anna Morozova)

New Barbarella comic has top-notch creative team

Dynamite has assembled an amazing team to bring Barbarella back to comics. The scripts will be produced by author and screenwriter Blake Northcott. An avid fan of the character, Northcott has a background in science-fiction and is undeniably best known for her collaborations with Heavy Metal magazine.

The artwork for the new Barbarella series will be provided by Anna Morozova. She is a rising star in the British comics industry, chiefly working on 2000 AD and Judge Dredd Megazine. The new series will mark her debut in American comics.

Barbarella Vol. 3 #1 will land in comic shops everywhere on October 2, 2024.