Absolute Power Task Force VII 5 cover by Taurin Clarke cropped
(Image Source: DC / Taurin Clarke)

Absolute Power: Task Force VII #5 Reveals Secret Partners of Amanda Waller

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The Absolute Power event has seen Amanda Waller sink to new lows in her bid to establish a new world order. Earlier issues teased she had some powerful figures behind her, with few clues as to who they were. However, some of Waller’s secret partners are revealed in the final pages of Absolute Power: Task Force VII #5.

Written by Alex Paknadel, with art by Pete Woods, the issue continues an on-going subplot centered around Steve Trevor. The long-time ally of Wonder Woman infiltrated the prison Amanda Waller constructed to hold Earth’s heroes. It was his hope to gather as much information as possible and find a way to bring down Waller’s operation.

Steve Trevor Spies on Amanda Waller in Absolute Power Task Force VII 5
(Image Source: DC / Pete Woods)

Capable as he is, however, Trevor was not prepared for just how far Waller had gone in her bid for Absolute Power. He observed Waller using a dimensional gateway to address a woman. Trevor recognized her, even before he heard a familiar voice with an unfamiliar cruel edge. The final page revealed the woman as Superwoman, the evil Donna Troy of Earth-3, alongside the rest of her team, the Crime Syndicate of America.

Crime Syndicate of America in Absolute Power explained

Crime Syndicate of America in Absolute Power Task Force VII 5
(Image Source: DC / Pete Woods)

First appearing in 1964, the Crime Syndicate of America are the corrupt Justice League of Earth-3. This dark world conforms to a different set of physical laws than most of the DC Multiverse. On Earth-3, all that is evil is good, and vice versa. Likewise, all of its “heroes” are dark mirrors of the main universe heroes and their values. Superwoman, for instance, is a deceptive misandrist, who seeks to conquer Man’s World in the name of hate.

The appearance of the CSA in Absolute Power is not surprising, given Waller began her current campaign after a visit to Earth-3. Apparently it left an impression, as Waller’s ultimate vision of a world without heroes resembles the might-makes-right attitude of Earth-3. However, the CSA will be at a disadvantage on Earth-Prime, where good ultimately wins over evil in the end.

Absolute Power: Task Force VII #5 is now available at comic shops everywhere.

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