Poison Ivy 23 DC Pride 2024 cover by W. Scott Forbes
(Image Source: DC / W. Scott Forbes)

DC Pride 2024 Reveals Poison Ivy Is a Trekkie

Pamela Isley doesn’t seem the sort to enjoy science fiction. While a scientist by trade, she is also obsessed with her work and seems to have few hobbies outside of it. However, a story in DC Pride 2024 suggests that Poison Ivy is a closet Star Trek fan.

The Trekkie roots of Poison Ivy are revealed in “Marasmius” by Gretchen Felker-Martin and Claire Roe. The story finds Pamela Isley and her sidekick Janet traveling to a deep-space trading hub called Portworld. It is here that Pamela hopes to acquire the last surviving spores of the extinct Marasmius enaus mushroom. One of the vendors in Portworld apparently has the last sample in the Multiverse. Naturally, Poison Ivy hopes to save the species on Earth-Prime.

Poison Ivy Surprisingly Knowledgeable About Star Trek

As Janet and Pamela explore the market, Janet comments that Portworld is nothing like what she expected. When Poison Ivy asks what she expected, Janet makes reference to the homogenous alien cultures of Star Trek. Ivy understands the reference, naming off Klingons and Romulans as specific examples.

Poison Ivy and Janet discuss Star Trek in DC Pride 2024
(Image Source: DC / Claire Roe)

This kicks off a discussion where Janet notes that Portworld is heady and overwhelming. It is a galactic melting pot with all manner of strange life forms. Poison Ivy agrees it is unusual but also thinks it is beautiful seeing so many different people living together. This is a sentiment that would not be out of place in the Star Trek setting.

Indeed, Ivy seems the sort who might agree with the philosophy of Star Trek and enjoy it as a diversion. While the fanciful elements might seem a bit much for someone so practical, Pamela is nothing if not an idealist. It is not impossible, then, to imagine her escaping into a world where advanced science and reason govern a better tomorrow.

DC Pride 2024 is now available at comic shops everywhere.

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