Warner Bros. Pictures has brought online the new Super Bowl TV spot for Batman Begins, which aired during the first half! The Christopher Nolan-directed adaptation, starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Ken Watanabe, Katie Holmes, Cillian Murphy, Tom Wilkinson, and Rutger Hauer, hits theaters on June 17. Watch the clip by selecting your format below:
Super Bowl TV Spot:
QuickTime, Full Screen
QuickTime, Hi-Res
QuickTime, Med-Res
QuickTime, Lo-Res
Windows Media Player, Super Hi-Res
Windows Media Player, Hi-Res
Windows Media Player, Med-Res
Windows Media Player, Lo-Res
Real Player, Super Hi-Res
Real Player, Hi-Res
Real Player, Med-Res
Real Player, Lo-Res
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures