Star Wars E-Wing Fighter Vehicle up for Timed Preorder

Though Star Wars toys have gone through many scales and iterations, there’s always a sweet tinge of nostalgia when they announce a new vehicle in the classic 3 3/4-inch scale. To those who grew up with the original Star Wars toys, or any number of subsequent reproductions, even if they no longer buy them, there’s something magical about seeing an addition to the line. It’s a remembrance, perhaps, of how that little kid inside once felt on seeing a new toy added to the favorite property.

For E’s a Jolly Good Spaceship…

Hasbro’s latest addition is the E-Wing fighter. A spaceship that thankfully actually looks kind of like its letter once more (we’re throwing shade at you, B-Wing fighter!), it appeared in expanded universe novels before making a live-action debut on the Ahsoka TV show. Included in the package is astromech droid KE4-N4 (he’s just Ken), the droid that’s a tribute to the original Kenner R2-D2 action figure with its teardrop-painted insets.

The starfighter/airspeeder last seen chasing Sabine across Lothal includes an opening cargo area, retractable landing gear, and sliding cockpit. Packaging will be based on the classic Kenner designs. No pilot figure is announced yet, but that’s sure to come later. In the meantime, the vehicle is up as a timed preorder at Hasbro Pulse, closing on March 5. Expected delivery after that is Dec. 1, so if you’re in the market for holiday gifts already, this should make it. Additional quantities may be found this fall at Disney parks and stores.

It should be interesting to see what comes next if this is a success. Ahsoka’s ship is pretty big — would a HasLab have enough demand to succeed? What about those smaller fighters Shin Hati’s soldiers use? Or at least Sabine’s speeder, to build out the E-Wing fighter scene? There’s plenty of room to grow here.

In the meantime, we’ve gotten plenty of pictures of the E-Wing to gawk at. Feast your eyes below: