Space Jam: A New Legacy Trailer Channels Ready Player One Vibes

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Steven Spielberg tends not to be very big on making sequels, so the odds of an actual Ready Player Two movie by his hands feels unlikely. So maybe it’s just as well that a different, long-anticipated sequel is essentially taking up the mantle of the Oasis. That’s right: it’s the Space Jam: A New Legacy trailer. Now called the “Serververse,” and containing exclusively Warner Bros-owned properties, the virtual world sucks in LeBron James and his son Dom. To escape, the star basketball player will have to join forces with Looney Tunes in a game of hoops, against a super-team created by digital Don Cheadle.

In addition to expected cameos, like the Hanna Barbera cartoons now under the WB mantle, the movie features previous Ready Player One “costars” like Kong and the Iron Giant. But far more unlikely cameos also abound. While Cheetara from ThunderCats, or even Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mr. Freeze, might be expected, there’s also…A Clockwork Orange? And Game of Thrones? Stanley Kubrick’s body must be metaphorically spinning.

RELATED: Wil Wheaton Will Narrate the Audiobook of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player Two

Just…take a look at the full trailer, and see what you think. It’s certainly more elaborate than the original Joe Pytka film starring Michael Jordan. And with Ryan Coogler producing and Malcolm D. Lee directing, it’s at least in good hands.

Space Jam: A New Legacy debuts in theaters and on HBO Max July 16.

Are you ready for the Space Jam? Let us know in comments!

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