James Gunn Teases Character Deaths in The Suicide Squad Featurette

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Although James Gunn has made superhero films (four if you count Super, and five if you count his screenwriting work on 2000’s The Specials), he hasn’t shied away from expressing his concerns with the current state of the genre. Last week, Gunn made headlines for saying that the majority of recent superhero movies were “really dumb” and “mostly boring.” He also suggested that superhero flicks could go the way of the Western if Hollywood doesn’t inject some new blood into them. Now, in a new featurette for The Suicide Squad, Gunn is expanding on this point.

In the video, Gunn lamented that superhero films are usually lacking in any real stakes. But according to Gunn, The Suicide Squad doesn’t have that problem. Apparently, Warner Bros. gave Gunn free reign to kill whoever he wanted, so none of the movie’s characters are safe. Not even its biggest star.

“A lot of people think I’m gonna kill Harley [Quinn],” said Gunn. “You know, who knows?”

RELATED: Joel Kinnaman Compares His Stints on Both Suicide Squad Movies

In David Ayer’s original Suicide Squad, the members of Task Force X were implanted with nanite bombs rigged to blow if they step out of line. In Ayer’s film, Slipknot was the only character who met this fate. But it sounds like Gunn’s upcoming reboot/sequel won’t be as generous. And no one seems more excited about this as Viola Davis, who returns as Amanda Waller.

“I really really press the button hard,” said Davis, before laughing maniacally.

The Suicide Squad hits theaters and HBO Max on August 6.

Which of the film’s characters will you be rooting for? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Trial by Fire

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