Marvel’s Newest Superhero Addresses Eternals’ Mid-Credits Scene

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Eternals!

It’s still too early to say whether Eternals will get a sequel. But if Marvel does decide to greenlight a follow-up, it’s a safe bet that any future installments will introduce even more Eternals. And leading the charge will be none other than Eros/Starfox, as played by Harry Styles in Eternals’ mid-credits scene. News of Styles’ role managed to leak out several weeks before the film’s theatrical premiere. (Thanks so much, Variety) However, the British musician finally discussed his cameo in Eternals in a recent interview with Dazed.

Styles’ Eros was memorably introduced alongside another new MCU addition, Patton Oswalt’s Pip the Troll. After materializing on the Domo during the film’s mid-credits scene, Eros informed Druig, Makkari, and Thena that their fellow Eternals are in a lot of trouble. But he and Pip know how to help them. And while we don’t know where Eros will show up next, it sounds like Styles was just grateful to director Chloé Zhao for giving him a chance in the first place.

“I’m only in right at the very end,” said Styles. “But who didn’t grow up wanting to be a superhero, you know? It was a great experience and I’m so grateful to have gotten to work with Chloé.”

RELATED: Eternals Writers Reveal Alternate Post-Credits Scene Options

Styles made his big screen debut in Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk in 2017. Some Marvel fans might still be put off by Styles’ teen heartthrob status. Regardless, his casting already has the approval of Eros’ creator, Jim Starlin, who apparently can’t stop listening to Styles’ music.

Eternals is now playing in theaters everywhere.

Are you excited to see more of Styles as Eros in future Marvel films? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: The Eternals by Jack Kirby Vol. 1

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