Jon Kasdan Open to Returning to Star Wars For Solo 2

Solo: A Star Wars Story is one of the most polarizing films in Star Wars history. Upon its release in 2018, the film received average reviews and bombed at the box office, killing any chances for a sequel. Since then, the film has experienced a bit of revisionist history as many fans defend Ron Howard’s Han Solo spin-off. Furthermore, the hashtag, #MakeSolo2Happen, became a rallying cry for fans who want a sequel. Even Jon Kasdan, who co-wrote Solo with his father, Lawrence, is intrigued by the idea of Solo 2 and shared his thoughts with

“The reason for a Solo 2 is if there’s a great reason and certainly I’d be game if there was…there were so many great characters we were able to establish, and for me, the strongest argument for a Solo 2 is the movie was Alden’s journey to owning that mantle,” said Kasdan. “And by the end of it I thought he really did, and he didn’t get the fun of getting to just inhabit it for a movie, so I’d love to see him back.”

RELATED: Christopher Miller and Phil Lord Look Back At Their Solo Experience

Thanks to Disney+, there are opportunities to continue stories that were once considered failures. Currently, Kasdan is the showrunner for Willow, the sequel series to the 1988 film. The film underperformed with critics and disappointed at the domestic box office, but over the years grew a dedicated following. Perhaps Solo 2 could receive the sequel treatment in the form of a series. For now, Kasdan is left to reminisce about what could have been whenever the film’s May 25 anniversary rolls around.

“I’m certainly one of those people, and when that time of year rolls around, I immediately…my imagination goes to all of the things we intended to do,” said Kasdan.

Are you interested in seeing Solo 2? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: The Art of Solo: A Star Wars Story

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