Disney Gearing Up for Marvel Attractions at Disneyland

It’s not that often that we get to talk about something like a theme park here at SuperHeroHype, but now we actually have some exciting news about it that is relevant.

In an interview with Reuters, Chairman of Disney’s Parks and Resorts division Tom Saggs had this to offer: We were hard at work on attractions using Marvel characters previously, and that work has only intensified given (the film’s) great success. The setting has to be right, the story has to be right. That takes a fair amount of time.”

He also said they’d like to expand the use of Marvel characters into the resorts of the parks as well as Disney’s other attractions around the globe.

They’re currently prohibited from doing anything with the characters at their Orlando parks though due to a licensing agreement with Universal Studios.

What kind of Marvel attractions do you want to see at a Disney park?