Comics: Nine Marvel Titles Ending in October

If you’re keeping track of the Marvel NOW! initiative it has now claimed its first victims. The Marvel soliciations for October have arrived via CBR and nine titles are coming to a close as Marvel NOW! gears up to start.

The series that are ending include Fantastic Four, FF, Captain America, Invincible Iron Man, Mighty Thor, Incredible Hulk, New Mutants, Uncanny X-Men and X-Men Legacy.

No word yet on when some of these titles will be coming back or if they’re coming back at all. So far the only series that is confirmed to be a part of Marvel NOW! that is on the solicits is Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers, but expect more to be announced soon.

You can take a look at the comics we want to see Marvel do here and the comics we DON’T want to see here.