Mark Millar Talks X-Men: Days of Future Past and Kick-Ass 3

“Singer is excellent at working with ensemble casts. So with this one I feel it is all fine. I have read the screenplay and it doesn’t feel rushed and it doesn’t feel like it is too many characters.”

Ever since the film has been announced, former cast members have been confirmed to appear weekly and Millar says that everyone will get their fair share.

“I think the best comparison I can give is to Star Trek – that is an ensemble but it never feels as if there is not enough time with any one character. Or maybe Lost – that is an ensemble but every character gets their own moment to shine. So as long as everyone is there for a reason there doesn’t need to be a problem with so many characters. This is a beautifully structured film, and it is a time travel story so the structure has to be especially strong.”

Fans will be glad to hear that we’ll finally get to see the Sentinels in all their glory in the film.

“I don’t really want to give too much away but the Sentinels are a big feature of this story. They will be cool and this will deliver on all of the teasers. We’ve all been waiting for this ever since X-Men: The Last Stand showed us one of their heads. Now it is finally coming, and we only have to pay ten quid to see it in the cinema.”

If you’re read the source material for the film, you’ll know that Kitty Pryde plays a big role in the story. Director Bryan Singer confirmed this weekend that actress Ellen Page will be returning in the role for the film, and while Millar won’t say specifics, he did say “Kitty Pride fans will not be disappointed.”

Millar also confirmed that a third Kick-Ass film is being planned.

“Kick-Ass 3 is going to be the last one though. I told Universal this and they asked me, ‘What does that mean?’ I said, ‘It means that this is where it all ends.’ They said, ‘Do they all die at the end?’ I said, ‘Maybe’ – because this is a realistic superhero story. And if someone doesn’t have a bullet proof vest like Superman and doesn’t have Batman’s millions then eventually he is going turn around the wrong corner and get his head kicked in or get shot in the face [laughs]. So Kick-Ass needs to reflect that. There has to be something dramatic at the end, he cannot do this for the rest of his life.”

Kick-Ass 2 opens on June 28 and X-Men: Days of Future Past is set to open July 18, 2014.

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