Idris Elba Says He Was Once in Talks for Luke Cage

When asked if there was a superhero he’d like to try, Elba replied:

“For Halloween, I wore Superman. And I was like, “I don’t mind this cape being behind me. [laughs]…But, no, other than that, I don’t really have any superhero that I like. There was talk about Luke Cage at one time — I thought Luke Cage was a pretty interesting character. They were going to do it, but I don’t know what happened…”
When Elba was told that Marvel is now developing the character for a TV series on Netflix, he simply replied: “That’s right, yeah.”
It’s not entirely out of the question that Elba could be up for the role again once casting begins for the Netflix series, but it remains to be seen if he could fit it into his ever-growing schedule. Who do you want to see play Luke Cage in the series?
In addition to Luke Cage, Marvel is also developing “Daredevil,” “Jessica Jones” and “Iron Fist” as four seperate television shows that will run for 13 episodes each before culminating into a mini-series titled “The Defenders.”
(Photo credit: FayesVision/