It was announced back in February that NBC would be reviving the fan-favorite series “Heroes” for a brand new mini-series set to air in 2015 titled “Heroes Reborn.” There’s been nothing else revealed about the material since that time, and many have been wondering which, if any, of the original cast members will be returning.
Upon the initial announcement of the show, NBC Entertainment President Jennifer Salke said they “won’t rule out the possibility of some of the show’s original cast members popping back in,” but now there is one that can potentially be stricken from the list – actress Hayden Panettiere, who played Claire Bennet.
“Well, it was a shock to me,” Panettiere said in an interview with Cosmopolitan (via CBM). “In fact, I believe I became privy to that through my cousin. She sent me a text message and told me about it, and, I mean, we had nothing, nothing to do with it; it will definitely be interesting to see how they reinvent that….I think it’s a whole new set of characters. Who knows? It’s a little bit of an interesting feeling because you go, ‘That was our show, our home, our family,’ something that we had a major part in creating as well, and, I mean, I hope that they don’t have somebody else playing our characters, that would be a little dagger in the heart. But, you never know. I wish them success in it, for sure.”
Plot details for the new episodes are being kept under wraps, but the 13 episodes are said to follow a new stand-alone story arc with a prequel web series set to debut beforehand.