Comic-Con: Marvel Animation Premieres Guardians of the Galaxy Animation Test for New TV Series

As previously seen at the 2014 Licensing Expo, Marvel Animation is bringing a Guardians of the Galaxy animated series to TV in the near future and they debuted a first official look at it at their San Diego Comic-Con panel.

The short, 60-second world premiere opens with rain falling on a futuristic cityscape, boasting a lot of neon lights and coloring. Rocket Raccoon is running, being pursued by a hostile, laser-firing robot probe. Rocket plunges off a very tall building… lands, spins and powers up his trademark guns and blasts away until the probe is destroyed. A voice calls out: “Hey fuzzy!” It’s Star-Lord. Rocket spins around. Star-Lord quips, “If we’re going to be hanging out together you’re going to need bigger blasters.” The scene was then replaced by the “Guardians of the Galaxy” logo.

The team showed the clip twice, but told attendees that they could not talk about the project and gave no timetable for its release. Check back here for more details on the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series as we learn them.