Mark Millar Says Netflix Hasn’t Greenlighted Jupiter’s Legacy Season 2 Yet

In a few hours, Netflix will release its first installment in the Millarworld with Jupiter’s Legacy. The show is followed by much anticipation from the fans, who are waiting for the first live-action adaptation of the heroes invented by Mark Millar and Frank Quitely. While it’s not strange to see a producer ordering more than one season for a show that has yet to debut (think about Amazon’s Lord of the Rings series, which is expected to develop over five seasons), it seems that this isn’t the case for Netflix and Jupiter’s Legacy. According to Millar, Netflix’s headquarters have yet to greenlight a sophomore season for the upcoming superhero show.

“Season 2 is up to the audience,” he said while talking with Deadline. “We don’t want to get too cocky. All I see is we’re going into this incredibly bullish. We feel great about it. I’ve watched, even over Covid, I sat in edits every day pretty much and I never tire of it. So, fingers crossed people love it as much as we do.”

RELATED: Mark Millar Teases Generational Clash in Jupiter’s Legacy Series

In the same interview, Millar also spoke about The Magic Order, an adaptation that never saw the light after Netflix reportedly pulled the plug on it before it even entered production. After explaining briefly why the show had to be stopped last year (you guessed it, COVID-19), the Scottish author sounded pretty optimistic about it happening for real somewhere in the future.

“What happened was, we were planning to be shooting in Prague, and then, unfortunately, the end of last year, Prague became the hot spot for the whole of Europe. You know, became the hotspot for Covid and some of the production crew came down with Covid and we all thought stick a pen in it and we’ll come back to it this year. You know, so, we’ve always said, it’s a huge priority for us. I mean, we can go public on some stuff down the line but unfortunately a Netflix drone will take me out if I say more now. But that project has never gone away as a show or as a book. We’ve just been talking about more in the background. It’s happening.”

Jupiter’s Legacy will debut on Netflix on May 7.

Do you believe Netflix will greenlight a sophomore season for the Jupiter’s Legacy series? Let us know your guess in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Jupiter’s Legacy, Vol. 1

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