The New Superhero Hype is Coming This Week!

Heads up, Superhero Hype readers. Tomorrow, December 20th, the site will be temporarily going dark and we’ll be giving our writers the day off. And not because they’re getting some last minute Christmas shopping in, although some of us do need to wrap that up. Instead, the news freeze is because we’re switching servers on the 20th, and when we go live, we’ll have a brand-new Superhero Hype site!

This will be the most significant site redesign SHH has had in years, and it’s been in the works for a long time. And once it’s in place, it will allow our readers to have quicker load times, and an easier to view page with a streamlined layout that puts the content first. It should also eliminate the occasional problems of the ads covering the text. And that’s an issue we’ll be glad to rid of.

There will also be some minor changes to the way images appear and the way galleries display. Again, this is all in the service of giving SHH a modern site that works just as well for desktop as it does for mobile. We’ve listened to your comments over the years, and we’ve done our best to address as much of that feedback as we can.

You may see the new site on the 20th as we run it through the testing phase. But the official relaunch date is December 21st, which just so happens to be the 21st anniversary of Superhero Hype’s transition from Spider-Man Hype. We didn’t plan it that way, it’s just the way things worked out.

So please excuse our temporary absence on December 20th. Just know that we’ll be working behind the scenes to have everything ready for the new site. We hope you enjoy what we’ve done with it. Thanks for sticking with us for over two decades as we head into a new era.