Sony and Amazon Reportedly in Talks For Multiple Marvel TV Series Including Silk

Sony and Amazon Reportedly in Talks For Multiple Marvel TV Series

Years ago, Amazon was one of the contenders for the package of live-action Marvel shows that ended up on Netflix. Now, it looks like Amazon may get a second chance to play in the Marvel realm.

According to Deadline, Sony and Amazon are in advanced negotiations for a “suite” of TV shows based on Marvel’s Spider-Man adjacent characters. At the top of the list is the Korean -American superheroine known as Silk, a.k.a. Cindy Moon. In Marvel’s comic book universe, Cindy went to high school with Peter Parker and she was also bitten by the same radioactive spider that gave Peter his powers. Silk and Spider-Man have very similar powers as a result. However, Silk’s control over her webbing is more refined than Spider-Man’s.

Additionally, Lauren Moon, a scribe on Netflix’s Atypical, wrote the pilot script for Silk.

RELATED: Lord and Miller Tease Silk’s Arrival in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2

The report compares the potential Sony and Amazon deal to the pact struck between Marvel and Netflix that led to Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders, and The Punisher. Regardless, there are still some issues that need to be sorted out. Deadline states that some of the lingering threads has “to do with a complicated web of multi-platform rights for the various characters.” The report also suggests that “the proposed suite of Marvel series is expected to land on a linear platform first before heading to Amazon for streaming.” That would be another network or cable outlet may become a part of the deal as well.

Sony’s deal with Marvel predates the publisher’s acquisition by Disney. Under the terms of the contract, Sony can develop films and TV shows based on characters related to Spider-Man or in his direct orbit. That’s why Venom and Morbius the Living Vampire fall under that pact.

What do you think about Sony and Amazon potentially partnering on a Silk series? Also, which Sony controlled heroes deserve their own series?  Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Silk Vol. 0: The Life and Times of Cindy Moon

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