Go Behind the Scenes of Peacemaker’s Opening Credits Dance

It’s indisputably the most memorable thing about Peacemaker. That dance number, forcing John Cena to go way beyond the five-knuckle shuffle. And even more significantly, roping in costars of all ages and sizes who would probably never be cast for dance numbers in anything else. Sure, Robert Patrick showed immense control of his own physicality in Terminator 2. But Steve Agee does most of his best acting sitting down. James Gunn, however, has a lot of experience getting diverse casts of oddballs to do musical numbers together. And in HBO Max’s latest behind the scenes video, he and some others talk us through Peacemaker‘s opening credits dance.

Take a look below:

RELATED: Peacemaker Episode 4 – What Did You Think?!

So is it more like classic silent comedy, as choreographer Charissa Barton suggests? Or do you see the angular poses of comic book frames, like Chukwudi Iwuji does? With apologies to Muhammed Ali, are some of the characters literally floating like butterflies while others sting like bees? We’ll have four more episodes left to analyze it.

But one question remains. Do you, in fact, really wanna taste it?

Let us know the answer to that, or anything else, in comments.

Recommended Reading: The Complete Peacemaker: Gwandanaland Comics #408-B — Full Issue Version — He Loves Peace So Much That He Is Willing To Fight For It!

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