Dave Bautista’s Still Hoping Netflix Calls Him for Gears of War

Now that Dave Bautista is everyone’s newest favorite wrestler-turned-actor, we might assume, to borrow a phrase, that the hierarchy of power in his career is about to change. But not quite enough, it seems. He recently gave up on his former dream role of playing Bane, whom he now thinks he’s too old for. But Bautista still wants to play Marcus Fenix in an adaptation of the Gears of War games. His fandom is well documented, and he even appeared in the game as his WWE alter-ego Batista. But Netflix, now working on a live-action adaptation, has yet to call him.

Speaking to Variety, he says, “I really hope they will. It’s a part that I’ve sought after for years and I feel like I could bring a lot of heart to Marcus Fenix. I really would. I think I would do that part justice. I feel confident in it, so hopefully it’ll come my way and we’ll be having this conversation in a different way sometime.”

“I always search out interesting roles, but I take them as they come,” he added. “I take some pride in what I do because I’m always searching for roles that will challenge me as an actor. I’ve got my year slated and I know what it’s going to look like, but I’m just looking for that next role that’s going to give me the same type of fulfillment…I’m hoping this will win me a little bit of a respect factor amongst my peers because at the end of the day, it’s kind of what I’m after. I really want to be respected by my peers.”

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Recommended Reading: Gears of War: The Rise of Raam

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