Bryce Dallas Howard Will Reboot Flight of the Navigator For Disney+

Back in 1986, Disney released the sci-fi film, Flight of the Navigator, which featured a young kid named David Scott Freeman (Joey Cramer) who was abducted by an alien ship A.I. that he called Max (Paul Reubens). Their journey brought them from the late ’70s to the mid-80s Earth, and back again. Now, the Navigator is preparing for a new flight on Disney+.

Via The Hollywood Reporter, Bryce Dallas Howard will make her feature film directorial debut with the Flight of the Navigator reboot. Additionally, the new take on the story will feature a female lead.

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Howard previously directed a documentary called Dads, as well as two episodes of The Mandalorian. She also directed an upcoming episode of The Book of Boba Fett. Regardless, this new project marks a major step forward for Howard’s career as a director. She is also starring in the upcoming sequel, Jurassic World: Dominion.

John Swartz will produce the Flight of the Navigator reboot with Howard and Justin Springer.

Are you excited about the upcoming reboot of this classic sci-fi pic? And should Paul Ruebens return as the voice of the ship’s artificial intelligence? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Viewing: Flight of the Navigator

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