Chadwick Boseman Appears in Four Episodes of Marvel’s What If…?

Marvel Studios’ impending foray into animation with What If…? has a lot of fans excited. Yet it’s also a bittersweet experience, given Chadwick Boseman’s involvement. The show will notably feature Boseman’s final performance as T’Challa following his death last year. But according to What If…? executive producer Brad Winderbaum, Boseman’s appearance won’t be a one-off.

During an interview with, Winderbaum confirmed that Boseman appears in four episodes of What If…?’s first season. As early trailers for the series have shown, one of these episodes will imagine what would have happened if T’Challa was taken from Earth as a child by Yondu’s Ravagers and became Star-Lord instead of Peter Quill. However, Winderbaum teased that Boseman’s character will also show up in other alternate-reality scenarios that we haven’t seen yet.

RELATED: What If…? Producer Addresses Series Continuity and Future

“He plays different versions of the character,” said Winderbaum. “I wouldn’t say that anything changed drastically. We wanted to honor, frankly, his performance and his eagerness to be a part of the project. In retrospect, he recorded these episodes for us knowing what we all know now. We wanted to honor what he did, so we actually didn’t change a lot of it. There were certain things, in the context of his passing, especially musically…Lauren Karpman delivered what I think is an incredible score for the entire series and the way she approached T’Challa throughout, especially in light of his passing, is really beautiful.”

What If…? will premiere on Wednesday, August 11 on Disney+.

Are you looking forward to watching Boseman’s final performances as T’Challa? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: What If? Classic: The Complete Collection Vol. 1

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